martes, 18 de junio de 2024

[One Shot] Heaven in Hell {Jongmin}

Título: Heaven in Hell

Autora: Riz Aino

Pareja: Jongmin (Jongwoo + Seongmin) (ONE PACT)

Clasificación: NC17

Géneros: AU, idols, humor, smut, pwp

Número de palabras: 5.511 palabras

Resumen: cuando Seongmin acepta ir al gimnasio con su guardaespaldas Jongwoo no se imagina ni por un asomo en qué percal se ha metido.

Advertencias: relaciones sexuales explícitas.

Notas: historia escrita para completar las casillas, “black cat x golden retriever”, “gym rat x couch potato” y  “celebrity x bodyguard” del Seasons of Bingo 7.

Comentario de autora: hacía meses que quería escribir algo de ONE PACT, pero no vi la oportunidad de hacerlo realmente hasta que no empecé a pensar en cómo rellenar el bingo. Espero que os guste.


No pienso ir al gimnasio contigo, hyung dijo Seongmin una vez más aquella tarde.


Ni siquiera recordaba las veces que se había negado en lo que llevaba de día a la propuesta de su guardaespaldas, pero habían sido muchas y casi empezaba a desesperarse. Casi. Porque la vista que tenía ante él, Jongwoo sentado en el suelo, con sus piernas cruzadas a lo buda, poniendo carita de pena, mientras le hacía una y otra vez la misma pregunta, le parecía adorable y le calmaba las ganas que también le daban de asesinarlo. A veces, le recordaba a la encarnación humana de un golden retriever y, en más de una ocasión, el mayor le había dicho que él era como un gato negro, arisco y receloso, algo en lo que tenía bastante razón, aunque a Seongmin no le gustara reconocerlo.


martes, 11 de junio de 2024

[One Shot] Heaven in Hell [English ver.] {JongMin}

Title: Heaven in Hell [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: Jongmin (Jongwoo + Seongmin) (ONE PACT)

Clasification: NC17

Genres: AU, idols, humor, smut, pwp

Word count: 5.2k

Summary: When Seongmin agrees to go to the gym with his bodyguard Jongwoo, he has no idea what kind of trouble he's gotten himself into.

Warnings: explicit sexual intercourse.

Notes: story written to complete the "black cat x golden retriever", "gym rat x couch potato" and "celebrity x bodyguard" boxes of Seasons of Bingo 7.

Author's comment: I've been wanting to write something about ONE PACT for months, but I didn't see the opportunity to actually do it until I started thinking about how to fill some boxes in the bingo. I hope you like it.



"I'm not going to the gym with you, hyung," Seongmin said once again that afternoon.


He couldn't even remember how many times he'd refused his bodyguard's proposal so far that day, but there had been so many that he was almost starting to despair. Almost. Because the sight before him, Jongwoo sitting on the floor, his legs crossed like a Buddha, making a cute face, while he asked him the same question over and over again, seemed adorable and soothed the urge to murder him as well. At times, he reminded him of the human incarnation of a golden retriever, and on more than one occasion, the other had told him that he was like a black cat, surly and suspicious, something he was quite right about, even if Seongmin did not like to admit it.


martes, 4 de junio de 2024

[One Shot] Rainy Day [English ver.] {Yusion}

Title: Rainy Day [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: Yusion (Sion + Yushi) (NCT)

Clasification: PG

Genres: AU, fluff romance

Word count: 2k

Summary: Yushi sets up a date for the first time for Sion and can't conceive how it can all go wrong for him.

Notes: story written to commemorate the debut of NCT's final unit (finally, I've been praying for this for years).

Author's comment: in love with these two introverted buns, nothing more to add, your honour. I hope you like it.


This day was going to be perfect.


Yushi had planned everything to be absolutely perfect and he wasn't going to let anything or anyone spoil his plans to spend the afternoon with Sion having a well-deserved date after weeks of almost not being able to see each other because of the first semester exams. Yushi had decided that they should relax and spend an afternoon in each other's company, enjoying the warm Seoul weather, in a little park by the Han River, with a picnic blanket on the grass and some games and snacks to nibble on. It may not have been anything spectacular, but it was the first date Yushi had arranged since they had started dating, and he had put a lot of effort into it and into making sure it went well.