martes, 11 de junio de 2024

[One Shot] Heaven in Hell [English ver.] {JongMin}

Title: Heaven in Hell [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: Jongmin (Jongwoo + Seongmin) (ONE PACT)

Clasification: NC17

Genres: AU, idols, humor, smut, pwp

Word count: 5.2k

Summary: When Seongmin agrees to go to the gym with his bodyguard Jongwoo, he has no idea what kind of trouble he's gotten himself into.

Warnings: explicit sexual intercourse.

Notes: story written to complete the "black cat x golden retriever", "gym rat x couch potato" and "celebrity x bodyguard" boxes of Seasons of Bingo 7.

Author's comment: I've been wanting to write something about ONE PACT for months, but I didn't see the opportunity to actually do it until I started thinking about how to fill some boxes in the bingo. I hope you like it.



"I'm not going to the gym with you, hyung," Seongmin said once again that afternoon.


He couldn't even remember how many times he'd refused his bodyguard's proposal so far that day, but there had been so many that he was almost starting to despair. Almost. Because the sight before him, Jongwoo sitting on the floor, his legs crossed like a Buddha, making a cute face, while he asked him the same question over and over again, seemed adorable and soothed the urge to murder him as well. At times, he reminded him of the human incarnation of a golden retriever, and on more than one occasion, the other had told him that he was like a black cat, surly and suspicious, something he was quite right about, even if Seongmin did not like to admit it.


It was strange that the boy his company had assigned to look after him twenty-four hours a day after the last incident he had had with a group of fans who had sneaked into his flat and almost caused misfortune, had made a small place for himself in his little stone heart. It was very strange, because Seongmin didn't usually open up to anyone, didn't usually get involved with anyone; but for some reason that he couldn't quite understand, the bully-looking built-in wardrobe not because he was particularly tall, but because he was so buff had softened him up with cute faces and a job very well done, so it was humanly impossible for him to get angry with him even if he was being a pain in the ass about the gym.


"Why not?" Jongwoo asked, a pout appearing on his lips. "It'll only take a little while."

"The company gave me two measly days off before they start heavy preparations for my next comeback, and all I want to do is lie on this couch or in my bed, watching whatever crap is on TV and eating whatever I haven't been able to eat all year before they put me back on a diet," Seongmin replied.


Obviously, he hadn't counted on the fact that he was living with a gym bro who, when he wasn't with him because Seongmin was protected within the four walls of his basement rehearsal room, spent as much time as he could in the gym to keep building up his body. Still, it wasn't like the idol was going to change all his plans just because Jongwoo asked him to, right?


"Then, since you're going to be eating a lot more than usual, you should get some exercise so you won't get scolded at work," Jongwoo tried to reason with him, but Seongmin shook his head. At this point in his life and in his contract, he didn't care if he got scolded for overeating, he was going to be on a diet anyway, so what difference did it make if he ate a little more for the two measly days he was going to be off. "Would you do it for your fans?"

"For the crazy girls who chase me everywhere I go?" he answered with a question, raising an eyebrow as if it was obvious that he wouldn't do anything for them if he had the chance to avoid it. Jongwoo nodded at that, pondering what to say, until a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

"And would you do it for me?" he asked.

"For you?" Seongmin questioned, somewhat confused by the change in his argument.

"For watching me work out while I give you some minimal instruction on some apparatus."


Oh. Seongmin's eyes and mouth widened at that suggestion. He hadn't thought about it. Of course he hadn't thought about it. He'd never been to the gym with Jongwoo, so it hadn't really occurred to him that, if he agreed to go along with him, he'd be enjoying those magnificent views while the other did his exercises. Besides, he had just told him that he was going to instruct him, but in a minimal way, so he shouldn't be too hard on him, just enough to get him to do some exercise, nothing more than that. It was a very tempting offer, maybe too tempting, for him who was very gay to see a handsome man sweating in the gym while he was working hard to get muscles was something that tempted him a lot and Jongwoo knew it, he knew it very well, because he had been his bodyguard for several months and he had seen him drooling over other idols who promoted with him when they were quite naked and he could see how strong they were. Maybe... he would regret not seeing that if he kept refusing to accompany the other to the gym... and Seongmin didn't like to regret things, so he decided that he would finally go with him.


"All right," he muttered.


A huge smile appeared on Jongwoo's face, so radiant and so happy that Seongmin felt that he had made the right decision just by being able to see that smile.




Evidently, it was the second worst decision of his life the first had been to join that company that squeezed the will to live and when they got home from the gym, his legs were barely supporting Seongmin, who was staggering and being helped by Jongwoo, otherwise he would have rolled on the floor more than once. He shouldn't have listened to his bodyguard, he shouldn't have fallen into the trap of those eyes that shone as if they contained a million stars, nor should he have taken his word for it that he would go there to look at him rather than to exercise. If Seongmin had the power to travel back in time, it was clear to him that the first thing he would do would be to turn a deaf ear to Jongwoo until Jongwoo got tired of asking if he would go to the gym with him.


"I want you to know that if I had the ability to do anything else right now besides die, I'd be giving you the evil eye for cheating me like this," was all he said to Jongwoo as they walked through the door of his flat, causing a chuckle to escape his bodyguard's lips. "Don't laugh," he warned, "Don't laugh because I'm still able to google how to curse you for life."

"Sorry, sorry," Jongwoo replied. "I thought you'd have a bit more stamina, considering you spend your days dancing in the rehearsal room."


Seongmin snorted at him at that, but his bodyguard just smiled before leaving Seongmin leaning against the wall and bending down to help him take off his slippers and place them neatly in the doorway, doing the same with his own. When he was done with that, he moved back to his original position, grabbing the idol around the waist tightly to help him walk across the floor slowly until they reached the boy's room, where Seongmin simply dropped onto the mattress like a dead weight, dragging Jongwoo with him. He was so tired, every muscle in his body ached so much, that he didn't even mind the other's weight on him until the other finally released his grip and ended up sitting at the foot of the bed. Seongmin closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He could fall asleep right then and there, in the same strange position he'd fallen into on the bed, but that would only make him ache what didn't ache the next day, so he forced himself to move as little as possible to lie on his back on the mattress, his head on the pillow and his arms outstretched, open in a cross, as if he were waiting for the end to come, something he'd rather do than have to deal with whatever the world had in store for him.


 "I know you won't want to come back to the gym with me," his bodyguard murmured, "but at least I'm going to make up for today's session."

"How?" Seongmin questioned, his eyes widening, though it would have taken a great deal of strength to do so.

"A massage so that your legs will hurt less tomorrow," he replied.

"It's the least you could do, yes," he replied, drawing a small laugh from the older man.


Seongmin didn't have the strength to protest the laugh as he had before, but the grumpy expression on his face was enough to make Jongwoo calm down and his laughter die on his lips.


"I'm going to get some cream or oil for the massage," he said. "I'll be right back, don't move from here."

"As if I could move without help," Seongmin replied, making Jongwoo laugh again.


Seongmin made the pretense of trying to move to slap the older man, but before he could do so, the other ran out of his room, still laughing, leaving the boy halfway to move and feeling pain all over his bloody body. Carefully, he moved back into the position he had been in before, which had taken a position where he wasn't in any pain at all. It took a while for him to stay exactly as he was before, and in that time, the other one finished getting everything he had gone for and returned to his room with a body oil and a box of tissues. Jongwoo put everything on his bed and then climbed onto it, at Seongmin's feet, to begin his task and the boy simply let himself be done. He had full confidence in Jongwoo's knowledge of muscles and how to offload them and he knew he was in good hands with the massage because he had received massages from Jongwoo on a few occasions before, so all he had to do was relax his body and let the other's hands work miracles on his legs.


Jongwoo began by removing his socks and opened the bottle of oil to pour some on his hands, then moved his thumbs over the soles of his feet, pressing on the places where he needed it most, the areas that hurt the most, massaging slowly, slowly, until Seongmin began to feel a slight tingling, but the pain he had felt in them before had been greatly mitigated. Jongwoo's hands then travelled to his ankles, first one and then the other, moving them gently in circles, up and down, with all the care in the world, as if he feared that using any more force might hurt Seongmin or break him. Seongmin obviously wasn't going to break from a little more pressure on his ankles, but the way Jongwoo was massaging them was so precise, it wasn't just releasing the pain from the exercise he'd done that day, it was helping him release the tension built up in them from hours and hours of dancing in the rehearsal room.


Only when his ankles felt like jelly did Jongwoo shift his focus. He wiped his hands of the excess oil with the tissues and then pulled his sweatpants up a little, leaving them snug around his knees, so that his lower legs and calves were easily accessible, and then he poured more oil on his hands again. When he first squeezed his left calf muscle, Seongmin gasped uncontrollably. This was going to hurt too much, but he knew it was necessary to get his legs back to working properly and that Jongwoo wouldn't hurt him any more than he already had, he would just try to fix it. The older man's hands, however, stopped when he heard him gasp, and Seongmin had to nod his head, indicating that he could go ahead, before Jongwoo continued his massage. To withstand the pain of his bodyguard's touching his battered muscles, he clenched his teeth tightly, perhaps too tightly, and closed his eyes, frowning each time the other hit on some particularly complex spot that needed his attention. Various gasps still came from his lips when he could no longer contain them, or stifled moans when he finally felt his muscles slowly relax, but none of that seemed to faze Jongwoo, who continued with his task until that part of his body was completely relaxed.


"To continue with your thighs, I need to get the trousers off," Jongwoo commented at that point, wiping his hands again of the excess oil.

"Of course."


Seongmin didn't even think twice before saying yes and undoing the knot holding his trousers around his waist. After that, all he had to do was lift his butt a bit to lower his trousers and, before he could continue removing them, Jongwoo's hands took over and pulled them down his legs, leaving them exposed. For some reason, Seongmin's skin prickled and the idol couldn't tell whether it was because he suddenly had no clothes covering his body or because of the intense stare his bodyguard gave his bare legs for a brief moment, before returning to his task of massaging his battered muscles with his oil-smeared hands.


That time, at the very moment when the other's hands began to touch his skin, Seongmin felt a shiver run up and down his body, and his body trembled under the touch of Jongwoo's fingertips. A mischievous smile appeared on the older man's face, but Seongmin chose to ignore it, closing his eyes and trying to think of something other than the other's hands on his skin. It was difficult, though, because with his eyes closed, unable to see anything at all, he couldn't tell where Jongwoo was going to touch him, and that made him feel it even more, but he absolutely refused to open his eyes and let the other see in them the longing and pleasure he felt.


Seongmin was an idol, a relatively famous idol who always filled the halls of music shows by himself, so famous that his fans had to buy dozens of albums if they wanted to secure a spot on a fansign, so much so that he always filled small stadiums when he did his concerts and the tickets didn't last more than a couple of days before they sold out. Because of his busy schedule, he barely had time for himself and, since that incident with those crazy fans, he couldn't do anything without Jongwoo being there with him, so he hadn't been able to go out incognito for months to some sleazy bar, hidden away in Itaewon's most forgotten alleys, where no one asked questions and only no-strings-attached sex was being sought. Seongmin was very needy, masturbating occasionally did nothing more than relieve the momentary stress in his life and being touched by someone else meant he couldn't do anything but feel too much, because he lacked it... besides, even if the boy wouldn't admit it out loud, he had always found Jongwoo attractive and, if he had seen him in one of those backwater bars, he wouldn't have hesitated for a second to approach him and spend an incredible night in his arms. However, he was his bodyguard, he had to continue working with him for as long as his company decided, so he didn't want their good relations to be tarnished because they had slept together, and for that reason, Seongmin hadn't said or done anything and it wasn't something he planned to do...




Seongmin moaned in pure pleasure unable to contain himself and opened his eyes quickly to see how Jongwoo's hands had moved so close to his crotch that they had brushed against his member, his hard member. His eyes became much bigger as he realised that, inside his shorts, the outline of his member was perfectly visible, erect, aroused, with a small spot because he had started to get wet and very excited his pre cum had started to come out of the tip of his member. Seongmin wanted to hide himself somehow, but he had no way of doing so, and when he tried to hide his erection with his hands, Jongwoo immediately prevented him from doing so, pushing them away with his oiled hands, slippery because of him. Seongmin looked at him in confusion, not understanding anything that was going on, but the older man just gave him a smirk before placing his hand on his member, causing another moan to escape Seongmin's lips.


"Hyung," protested the idol.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this too," was all he said.


Before Seongmin had time to process what he had meant by that, Jongwoo simply pulled down the front of his shorts to reveal his erect member without the prison of cloth that had kept it hidden, and before the idol could protest, his hand grasped the underside of it, moving up and down the surface for a few seconds, aided by the oil still in his palm, and then leaning over and licking its tip. The moans that came from Seongmin's lips were completely embarrassing, but he couldn't do anything else but moan and move his hips, wanting so much more because Jongwoo's tongue on his sensitive member was taking him to paradise while his hands played with both the underside of his penis and his testicles, making everything so much more intense, more incredible. Seongmin didn't even take long to cum, too needy, too sensitive and too stimulated, his orgasm coming with a wave of absolute pleasure that ran up and down his body, leaving him like a rag doll on the bed, as his penis spurted some semen, in small quantities, several times, against the other's mouth, who kept licking it even though Seongmin was still cumming. When his member was finally flaccid, spent with pleasure, like the boy's, Jongwoo released it and licked his lips of the cum that had dripped onto them, causing the idol to almost moan at the sight of such arousal. However, Seongmin was so satisfied, so filled with pleasure, that he could do nothing but gasp and look between his eyelashes, because his eyelids were so heavy at the moment that he couldn't even open his eyes properly, as the other watched him with absolute desire.


"You're perfect this way..." Jongwoo murmured, almost as a gasp. "Catching your breath after the orgasm..." a slight moan escaped Seongmin's lips at those words, and that made Jongwoo get even more turned on than he already seemed to be. "Fuck... right now I need to fuck you like no one else has ever fucked you..."

"Do it."


That was the only thing that could come out of Seongmin's lips, and though at some other time, later on, he might regret saying it, at that moment, all he felt was that it was the right thing to do. And Jongwoo didn't need to be told that any more. He immediately pulled his underwear down to his ankles, leaving him naked from the waist down. Just as before, Seongmin just let himself be done, not putting up any kind of resistance and simply enjoying what he wanted anyway.


Jongwoo squirted some oil into his anus, taking whatever slipped out with his index and middle finger and putting it back against his entrance before he began to penetrate him. Seongmin moaned helplessly and unwillingly because it had been too long since he had had any activity in that part of his body and he had always felt so much pleasure while being penetrated, even if at that moment it was just a single finger, which a few moments later became two fingers. Jongwoo kept pouring oil over and over again to make the penetration of his fingers as comfortable as possible for him and as painless as possible, even though Seongmin really didn't hurt at all and was simply drowning in his pleasure, moaning slightly with each penetration until the older man decided it was time to insert a third finger. It took his breath away and a choked moan escaped his lips, causing the other to stop and watch him, giving him a look that read perfectly the mute question of whether he was okay and if he could continue. The idol took a couple of seconds to breathe properly before nodding his head slightly and Jongwoo poured more oil over his anus again before penetrating it with his three fingers. This time, his body seemed to have become a little more accustomed to the intrusion, so all Seongmin felt was a slight tug as his rectum was stretching a little more than usual, but he felt no pain at all, just mild discomfort. His bodyguard continued in this way, penetrating him again and again with his fingers, causing the slight discomfort the boy felt to fade into the pleasure he felt from the penetrations, including when he brushed his fingers against his prostate. Only when Seongmin broke down again in moans at how good it was feeling did Jongwoo finally stop moving his fingers inside him and pull them out all at once, causing the boy to give him a look of loathing for it.


"I think you're ready now," he said, wiping his hands on the tissues. "And I can't take it anymore."


Seongmin noticed at that moment how the other's crotch showed a bulge that the loose sweatpants he was wearing couldn't even conceal, and the boy swallowed. Jongwoo had been as turned on by the situation as he was himself, and it probably wouldn't take much for him to cum. Just thinking about it, Seongmin got a little shiver of pleasure and his desire to feel the other inside him increased to infinity. Before that, however, he had to make sure that the other had the necessary protection for it.


"Condoms," was all he could say, as a sort of gasp.

"Do you have any?" Jongwoo questioned, stopping all his movements, as he had begun to unbutton his trousers. Seongmin nodded at the question. "Where?"

"In the third drawer of the bedside table," he replied. "I must still have a few left and they must be handy."


Jongwoo nodded and quickly got out of bed and went to the bedside table, where he opened the drawer Seongmin had told him about and pulled out a strip of several condoms, cutting one of them off and taking it back to bed with him. Before climbing back in, however, he finished removing the knot he had left half undone before and then pulled down his trousers and pants, leaving him on the floor with a couple of jerky movements of his legs, as if he could no longer resist the urge to get back into bed with him. Once he was naked from the waist down like Seongmin, he opened the condom envelope and took it out, putting it on the tip of his member and stretching it down until it covered his erect member completely, and when that was ready, the older man returned to the bed with him, climbing onto the mattress and placing himself between his legs. During the few seconds it took for Jongwoo to squirt some oil on his member and some more on Seongmin's anus again, the boy held his breath, completely expectant, wanting it to go deep inside him... and he didn't have to wait long to get what he wanted, because a few moments later, Jongwoo was starting to push inside him, slowly, plunging his tip inside him without any opposition from him, and then thrusting deeper and deeper until he was all the way in.


A low moan escaped Jongwoo's lips at that and he gripped Seongmin's hips tightly, digging his fingers into them as if he needed to grasp something to keep from losing his mind. Seongmin understood perfectly, he was going crazy too and needed a lot more to finish losing himself. However, even though they both seemed to be going crazy from the situation, when Jongwoo started to move his hips, making his member move in and out of Seongmin's body almost completely, he didn't do it madly or quickly, but he started to move so slowly that it became too much of a pleasurable torture, so much so, that Seongmin started to moan quietly, unable or unwilling to contain his voice because it was feeling too good. In tandem with Jongwoo's torturously slow movements, he began to caress his legs, gently, brushing his skin with his fingertips, which, despite being bruised from the weights he lifted at the gym, felt soft from all the oil he'd poured on them. And it wasn't just his hands that roamed up and down his legs, taking advantage of the position they were in, Jongwoo lifted Seongmin's left leg and placed it over his shoulder to make the penetration much deeper and to change the angle of it enough so that now, with each movement, the older man was rubbing his prostate, as well as starting to leave little kisses on the stretch of leg he could reach. Short kisses, light kisses, filled with a kind of adoration that caused something inside Seongmin to stir.


The boy didn't have too much time to think about it, however, because as his mind became a jumble of thoughts, Jongwoo began to move faster, each thrust harder and more precise, leaving him breathless and clouding his mind with pleasure. Seongmin stopped thinking and devoted himself only to feeling, clutching at the quilt of his bed with his hands, crumpling it into his fists, moaning as if in two days' time he wouldn't have a recording session that required his voice to be untainted, just letting himself be carried away by pleasure until he noticed the other's movements become erratic and finally stop, as a moan escaped his lips and he threw his head back, orgasm overtaking him. The image before him of Jongwoo in those moments, his eyes closed, his face in an absolute grimace of pleasure, while still inside him, was such an exciting image that Seongmin again felt his member hardening, ready to release again in another exquisite orgasm and the boy brought his right hand up to him to touch himself quickly, wanting to come and come to orgasm already, while Jongwoo was still inside him. Only a few moments later, the boy was cumming in his hand and on the sweatshirt he was still wearing and hadn't taken off, staining it, though he cared little for that as the orgasm came over him and with the spasms of it he could feel Jongwoo's still half-hard member inside his body, his rectum clenching around him, until finally his whole being relaxed and Seongmin closed his eyes to finish losing himself in the residue of his pleasure.

The boy barely noticed Jongwoo finally come out of him a little while later and he didn't really know what he did, he only noticed how the mattress moved with his movements, but he also didn't have the strength to open his eyelids and keep his eyes open, so he just rested, recovering from his orgasm... until his mind started screaming at him things he didn't want to hear, things like how he'd just screwed up and let it all happen, only then did he open his eyes again, finding Jongwoo still sitting at the foot of his bed, watching him like he was some kind of work of art, something that made Seongmin shudder.


"Are you alright?" Jongwoo asked, his eyes shining the same way they had hours ago, when he'd asked him so many times if he wanted to go to the gym with him. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Seongmin denied his question. He hadn't hurt him at all, all he'd done was give him the endless pleasure the boy had been needing for far too long. "I'm glad... hurting you is the last thing I would have wanted."


And, saying those words, Jongwoo moved a little on the bed, taking Seongmin's right leg to start leaving kisses on it, as he had done before while they were having sex, but this time in a much more leisurely, more rigorous way, starting from his foot and slowly moving up his leg, not leaving a single place where he hadn't planted a kiss. Seongmin watched him, his body filling with a warm feeling that he didn't even know what it belonged to or what it meant, but he let himself be enveloped by the feeling as the older man kissed his way up and up his leg until he reached his crotch. His eyes wandered from his skin for just a few seconds to look at Seongmin before he left a couple of short kisses on his member, causing it to react to the warmth of his breath and the softness of his lips, quivering, but Jongwoo didn't stop at his member, instead repositioning himself on the bed to end up lying next to Seongmin, his lips seeking his neck, his chin, where he left several more kisses, drawing light gasps from the idol's mouth without him being able to do anything to stop it.


"I've always wanted to do this with you," he murmured between kisses, his warm breath against his neck sending a shiver down Seongmin's spine, "from the first moment I saw you," the idol was unable to say anything at the words, a lump settling in his throat, but he didn't need to say anything either because Jongwoo continued speaking, saying for both of them what Seongmin wanted as well. "I wish I could repeat this more times with you, many more, until we've had enough of each other... though I don't think I could ever get enough of you..."


Seongmin nodded at those words, shaking his head slightly, causing a smile to appear on Jongwoo's lips, a wide smile that he felt against the skin of his neck and wanted to kiss right then and there, but he restrained himself from doing so, just wanting to enjoy the attention the other was giving him. He couldn't and wouldn't verbalise what he was beginning to feel, what he had perhaps felt for a long time, but Seongmin knew that at some point he would end up doing it too, giving himself to whatever might arise between them.... but for the moment, all he allowed himself to do was move slightly on the mattress, snuggling against Jongwoo, letting the other wrap him in his strong arms, and closing his eyes, letting himself drift off into the restful sleep he needed like never before after everything that had happened in the last few hours.



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