martes, 4 de junio de 2024

[One Shot] Rainy Day [English ver.] {Yusion}

Title: Rainy Day [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: Yusion (Sion + Yushi) (NCT)

Clasification: PG

Genres: AU, fluff romance

Word count: 2k

Summary: Yushi sets up a date for the first time for Sion and can't conceive how it can all go wrong for him.

Notes: story written to commemorate the debut of NCT's final unit (finally, I've been praying for this for years).

Author's comment: in love with these two introverted buns, nothing more to add, your honour. I hope you like it.


This day was going to be perfect.


Yushi had planned everything to be absolutely perfect and he wasn't going to let anything or anyone spoil his plans to spend the afternoon with Sion having a well-deserved date after weeks of almost not being able to see each other because of the first semester exams. Yushi had decided that they should relax and spend an afternoon in each other's company, enjoying the warm Seoul weather, in a little park by the Han River, with a picnic blanket on the grass and some games and snacks to nibble on. It may not have been anything spectacular, but it was the first date Yushi had arranged since they had started dating, and he had put a lot of effort into it and into making sure it went well.


As soon as he got out of the underground station where his boyfriend was waiting for him to take them both to the park they had arranged to go to, he saw that the sky that had been clear about three quarters of an hour before, when he had gotten on the underground, was no longer clear, and a small layer of clouds covered it. Yushi couldn't help squirming because he had lived in Seoul for enough years to know that the overcast sky was only going to get worse and a summer storm would eventually fall. However, seeing the smile Sion gave him when he saw him, the boy returned the gesture and tried to focus all his positive energy on making the sky clear again.


"Shall we go?" Sion said, holding out his hand.

"Let's go," he murmured.


The walk to the park from the underground station wasn't very long, so in just a few minutes they arrived at the place where Yushi had planned to spend the afternoon with Sion. There weren't many people, even though the weather that afternoon was quite nice apart from the threatening dark grey clouds in the sky so they only had to take the blanket out of Yushi's backpack and place it on the grass and sit on it without worrying about the overcrowding of the place. The boy looked around a bit as Sion hung his camera around his neck and started to take pictures of the place, the huge river stretching out before them, the other bank full of impossibly tall skyscrapers, the park full of trees that gave the place shade and coolness and also a bit of privacy. It seemed like a really good place to spend the afternoon, just like people on the internet were saying, and Yushi relaxed, relaxing his shoulders and sighing deeply. Surely everything would be fine.


It didn't take Yushi long to realise that this day wasn't going to be perfect, as opposed to what he had hoped for.


They had only been playing jenga for a few minutes while eating from a couple of bags of chips they had opened, when the first drop landed on the boy's nose. Yushi looked up at the overcast sky with clouds even darker and thicker than they had been so far and several more drops fell on his face, one after the other, until the rain began to fall harder, only a moment later. Sion quickly got up from the blanket they had spread on the ground and began to gather up everything they had brought out, stuffing it into Yushi's backpack so that he wouldn't get soaked. It took Yushi a few moments to react, but by the time he did, Sion had gathered it all up and was urging him to get up from the ground so he could put the blanket away as well. Yushi stood up and his boy folded the blanket into his backpack as well, taking him by the hand and pulling him along immediately, running through the park to get somewhere to take shelter from the unwelcome downpour. They ended up sheltering under a canopy that covered the electric bikes that could be rented to ride around the park they found on their way and both sighed in unison once the rain stopped falling on them.


Sion looked at him at that moment and gave him a charming smile that Yushi took a few moments to reciprocate, not too sure and, above all, not too happy about what had just happened. All the dates they'd had so far had been planned by the older one and all of them had been great and perfect, and Yushi had had an amazing time... but the first one he'd planned, after thinking about it and preparing everything to make it go well, had been ruined by a damn summer storm that wasn't even forecast because he'd spent the whole week looking at the weather that day and it was only good weather.


"Yushi," Sion called out to him, bringing him out of his thoughts and focusing his eyes on his boyfriend, "Don't beat yourself up because it's raining and we didn't get to spend the afternoon picnicking, it's okay," he said, bringing one of his hands to his cheek and caressing it gently, "even though it's raining we can still do a lot of things," Sion moved closer to him to give him a short kiss on the forehead, "Wait here, I'll be right back."


And after saying that, he simply walked out from under the canopy, running in the rain, without Yushi being able to react or do anything but light up and down, the red colour adorning all his skin from the unexpected kiss, just watching her walk away from him until he completely disappeared from his sight. Yushi sighed deeply and slumped against the canopy looking up at the sky through the transparent roof. The rain didn't seem to be letting up, in fact, it seemed to be getting heavier by the minute, so the afternoon he had planned had definitely gone down the drain, and even though Sion had told him not to martyr himself, that it was okay, it was impossible for him not to. For once he decided to do something for the two of them, for Sion, so that his boyfriend wouldn't always have to plan everything and take care of his outings, the rain put a damper on the whole plan. He was sad and frustrated and felt like crying, but Yushi restrained himself from doing so because he didn't want Sion to see him cry about it and just took several deep breaths to try to calm himself and keep the tears from running down his cheeks. By the time Yushi had finished calming down, Sion was back, with a charming smile on his face and covered by a transparent umbrella he must have bought at the convini they had passed on their way out of the underground exit just an hour before.


"There's a café nearby where we can continue our date," Sion said as soon as he reached his side, holding out his hand for him to take. "I've only seen it from the outside, but it looks good."


It took Yushi a few moments to take Sion's hand, hesitantly, but as soon as he did, his boyfriend's smile grew wider, even if it seemed impossible at first, and then he pulled him close to his body and pressed him against him so that they could both fit under the clear plastic umbrella he had bought. They walked in the rain slowly, strolling through the park now that they didn't have to worry about getting wet, and Yushi tried to put aside his thoughts about how the date had been ruined by the rain to try to enjoy the new opportunity that had opened up for him. It was complicated, he knew, but he was going to try for Sion, because Sion seemed delighted simply by the anticipation of spending the afternoon with him, not caring about the downpour that was currently falling on them. The café was not far away, just outside the park, on the pavement across the street, and as Sion had said, it seemed a good place to spend the afternoon.


"What would you like to drink?" asked Sion as he shook his umbrella at the door. "I'll place the order while you look for a place for us to sit."

"AA" he said without thinking out of habit, and as soon as he came to his senses, he added: "But I should pay, since I'm the one who organized the date."

"You organized the date and bought all the potatoes and you're carrying a backpack full of stuff," replied the older man. "Let me invite you to make up for that."


Yushi was about to reply more about that, but as soon as they entered the cafeteria, Sion gave him a little push to go to the table area with one of those smiles that disarmed him as he stood in front of the counter, lining up to order, and in the end he just sighed and looked for an empty table in a part of the place that was somewhat out of the way so they could be quiet and talk without problems. The boy sat down and dropped his backpack on the floor with a thud and then laid his head on the table, sighing and closing his eyes. He didn't know how long he was that way and didn't even notice that Sion had come back and sat across from him until he heard the click of his camera and then he got up from the table, giving his boy an angry face for the picture he had just taken of him, but before he could even say anything to him, the boy threw another one at him.


"Sion!" He protested, "Stop taking pictures, I'm not in the mood."


Sion left the camera on the table and lightly pushed the glass with the coffee Yushi had asked for in his direction. The boy accepted the drink and drank from the straw, feeling the iced coffee go down his throat and quench his thirst a little and his bad mood a little. He realized at that moment that Sion was staring at him as if he were looking at a work of art he adored with all his soul and almost choked on the next sip he took.


"I want you to know something, Yushi," he began, "I know you've been thinking about today's date for a while and you wanted it to be perfect, according to your plan, but I really don't care where we go and what we do, just being with you makes me happy," Sion gave him a charming smile. "That's how much of a fool in love I am."


Yushi felt the color rise in his face, dyeing his cheeks and ears a deep red and ended up hiding behind his hands, totally embarrassed, while he kicked Sion under the table. He heard a groan from his boyfriend at the blow, but he also heard his laughter and Yushi smiled behind his hands, trying to stop his heart from beating like crazy in his chest before withdrawing them. Actually Sion was right, objectively he knew he was right, because it didn't matter that the rain had spoiled all the plans he had made, he was sure that the rest of the afternoon in that coffee shop he was going to have a good time together with Sion because all they had to do was to be together to be happy... besides, after the rain the sun would come out and maybe they could see a rainbow, making that rainy day even more special.


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