sábado, 3 de febrero de 2024

[One Shot] Scent of You [English ver.] {NichoJoo

Title: Scent of You [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: NichoJoo (Nicholas + EJ) [&TEAM]

Rating: NC17

Genres: AU, werewolf, fantasy, fantasy, college, romance, drama, smut, pwp

Word count: 3.9k

Summary: When Yixiang first becomes aware of Euijoo's primal essence, his body reacts to it in an unseemly way... and falling in love with his best friend is something Yixiang can't afford.

Warnings: a bit of blood, violence and explicit sexual relations with nibbles included.

Notes: story written to fill in the Seasons of Bingo 6 boxes "canine / doglikes creatures", "first time", "hickeys / marking" and "fantasy".

Author's comment: I've been hooked like a bitch (never better said) to this group of gay furros and I couldn't resist to write about them. I hope you like it.


Yixiang looked out of his window at the moon and sighed, tired and listless. In just a few days the moon would be completely full and his entire body would be completely transformed in a process that was still painful, even though it had been many years since his first transformation, when he was just a child. He could still remember the pain of all his bones breaking and coming back together in different ways, his muscles stretching and shrinking to fit his new body, and when he did, his hair stood on end. Over the years, Yixiang had accepted the pain and had grown as accustomed to it as he could, but his body was still not quite used to it, something he would eventually get used to and, when he reached full maturity, it would stop hurting or so he had always been told by the elders in the clan. However, although the pain of transformation was something Yixiang hated, what made him reluctant to transform at the next full moon was how after that, in the following days, his sense of smell was even sharper than usual and the rest of his senses sharpened. Usually, when this happened, Yixiang had always avoided crowds because the smells got mixed and confused, but the sharpening of his senses for a couple of days was generally a blessing... a blessing that for him had become a kind of curse because in the previous full moon he had discovered something he preferred not to have any knowledge of.


Yixiang had smelled Euijoo's primal essence for the first time and his body had reacted in a completely unseemly way to his best friend for almost a decade. It had been almost a month since then, but he still couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it, because being able to smell the primal essence of another wolf was something that didn't happen often and because the way his whole being had reacted to it had made Yixiang wonder about too many things. A wolf's primal scent was a signature scent on which the rest of a wolf's scent was based, something unique and personal that only each of them were aware of and not the rest of the community. Yixiang's smelled like freshly baked chocolate chip biscuits, but what the rest of the wolves could notice was only the chocolate, because the primal scent was something important, something that shouldn’t be noticed by anyone who would not become their mate for life... but Yixiang had been able to notice the smell of damp wood under Euijoo's characteristic nutty scent.


Since that day, Yixiang had hopelessly avoided the other, because he couldn't look him in the face after what had happened, after what he had done. He wasn't sure how he should confront his best friend or if he should even do it at all because it wasn’t a pleasant topic to discuss over a quiet afternoon coffee and time to think about what he could do was slipping through his fingers, the full moon getting closer and closer. Yixiang sighed deeply again and turned his eyes away from the window and the moon to refocus on the paper he had to hand in for class the next day, knowing that he wasn’t prepared to see Euijoo on the next moon.




“When the wind changes, it brings with it the unpleasant smell of vampires," said Yudai, stopping eating from the bowl of ramen in front of him, dropping the chopsticks on the table. “I don't like vampires in the city limits at all.”


Yixiang had called Yudai that night so that they could have dinner together and talk about the subject that had been on his mind for the last few weeks, considering that he was older and that his sense of smell was the best of all the wolves he knew, but the moment he said that, Yixiang stopped eating too and closed his eyes, trying to isolate the other smells around him to find one similar to the stink he had smelled when he had crossed paths with a vampire in the past. In his nose he could only appreciate the characteristic smell of his cheese ramen and a little further the spicy smell of Yudai’s ramen, besides the quince aroma of the boy before him, he also identified the smell of wet asphalt, car oil, the citrus cologne of a girl walking nearby or the unpleasant stench that came from the sewers, but no matter how hard he tried and isolated all the smells that he found in his exploration, his sense of smell was not enough. In the end Yixiang shook his head and opened his eyes again to see how Yudai was still lost in his own olfactory exploitation, which was far more developed than his own and, moreover, covered a much larger area.


“I can't place it," he said, causing the older man to snap out of his reverie and focus on him again.

“It's too far away for you to notice, and it's also very faint," Yudai commented, "but it's much closer than any vampire should be. We must be alert in case they decide to enter the city.”


Yixiang nodded and Yudai picked up his chopsticks to continue eating. Yixiang mimicked him and stuffed a huge amount of noodles into his mouth, lost in thought now that he knew there were vampires lurking nearby. It had been several decades since there had been a gigantic war between vampires and werewolves that had taken a great many lives on both sides and also of the humans who had been caught up in it, and it had only ended the slaughter when the three races had agreed in an almost unheard of way that they could all live together if they used the means of the modern world so that their primitive instincts would not overpower them and all they did was fight and kill. The werewolves had signed the treaty on the condition that cities with werewolf clans couldn’t be settled by vampires, and the vampires had done so on the condition that they would be given access to fresh blood so that they wouldn’t have to kill. The early years had been difficult, or so his grandfather had told Yixiang, because by the time Yixiang was born, everything was settled and vampires and werewolves didn’t spend their days fighting to kill each other. What Yixiang did experience, however, since he had moved to a bigger city, were the attempts of young vampire groups to wander into wolf territory, whether it was for fun, to prove who was better, out of stupidity or for revenge... and, like Yudai, Yixiang didn't like them hanging around near that city at all. He would keep an eye out, as the elder had asked, and he would also talk to some of the wolves he knew to alert them to the situation, the more informed they were of the situation, the better they would be able to respond to it.


Yixiang continued to eat, not saying a word about what was on his mind because, compared to what could be coming their way with the vampires roaming the city, his problem seemed insignificant. He would try to come up with a satisfactory enough solution without involving anyone else in it.




Fuma, however, didn’t respect Yixiang's wishes that no one should get involved in his problem with Euijoo because a couple of days before the full moon he showed up at his flat, banging so hard on the door that the boy was afraid he would break it down and ran to open it before that happened because he was living on rent and didn't know how he was going to explain to his landlord that his wolf friend had kicked the door in, especially as he didn't know how he was going to pay for it... doors were very expensive.


“Why have you been avoiding Euijoo for almost a month?” He asked the moment the door was opened by Yixiang.

“Hello, Yixiang, long time no see, how are you?" replied the boy with the greetings the other should have given him and continued with what he would have answered. “Well, I'm fine, busy with school, how are you doing?”

“Ha ha," laughed Fuma ironically, entering his flat. “Very funny. I've already laughed," the older man took off his shoes at the entrance and then fixed his eyes on Yixiang again. “Now tell me what the fuck is wrong with you and why you don't answer your best friend's messages and refuse to see him.”


Fuma's eyes were fixed on his and Yixiang could see in them perfectly the decision he had made and the one that had made him enter his house in such a way was to know absolutely all the reasons why the boy had decided to stay away from Euijoo and he wasn't going to leave without a satisfactory answer. Yixiang sighed deeply and then nodded, indicating to him that he was giving up and would tell him what he had come to find out. Fuma then gave one of his friendly smiles and then moved into the living room, sitting down on the sofa and patting the seat next to him so that Yixiang could sit there and talk. The boy closed the door to his house and walked resignedly to the sofa, not knowing what he was going to say to the elder and how he was going to approach his problem. However, the moment he sat down on the sofa and Fuma placed a hand on his shoulder, consolingly, asking him to tell him everything.... Yixiang did so, not leaving out a single thing that had happened and what he felt about it.


“I would never have expected that this is what kept you away from Euijoo," he murmured the moment Yixiang finished speaking. “I know it's complicated, but you should talk it over with Euijoo because this is something that concerns him as well as you.”

“I... don't... know... how to deal with him...” Yixiang replied. He felt tired, physically and mentally, after all that month of thinking about what had happened and exponentially avoiding almost all of his friends, but especially Euijoo, because he didn't want Euijoo to hate him after knowing what had happened, and he told Fuma so. “I don't want him to hate me.”

“It's Euijoo, Yixiang," the older man said, as if that explained everything, but the boy frowned in confusion. “He's your best friend, the person he knows you can trust completely, and the person you might be destined to spend the rest of your life with if what you really smelled was his primal essence.”


Yixiang put his hands to his head and pulled his hair a little hard, frustrated. He knew Fuma was right, he knew it perfectly well, but he wasn't prepared for that. He wasn't ready for what this could mean, and most of all, he wasn't ready to talk to Euijoo about it. He had to, but he couldn't.


“I'm not going to force you to talk to him, but I want you to know that the longer it goes on, the harder it will be for both of you," Fuma told him, and that was the last thing he said before he got up and left the place.




The call of the moon was always too much for Yixiang. Despite all the years that had passed since his first transformation, despite the fact that once a month his human body ceased to exist to give way to his other self, the one that was stronger, braver and whose sense of smell was developed to the limit: the wolf. Yixiang liked his wolf, but at the same time he also hated it. It was such a confusing and contradictory feeling that he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to express it properly and, just as he loved and hated that part of him, he felt the same for the moon that forced him to transform under its light. He had the ability to feel that way in both his human form and his wolf form, he could think just as clearly, feel just as strongly if not more so. It was one of the things he did like about the transformation, feeling a little freer in his other body.


As he ran through the city, patrolling through alleys and poorly lit backstreets, sneaking into abandoned spaces and feeling the chill of the night on his fur, Yixiang spent time thinking, thinking about what he had told Fuma and what Fuma had said... thinking about Euijoo and all the things he felt for him. The wolf part of her felt ecstatic just remembering the boy's scent and his heart was pumping with amazing speed and not just because he was afraid to talk to him about what had happened, what he had smelled, but because, deep down, Yixiang had always known even if he hadn't taken it as the real choice, he felt something beyond friendship for Euijoo and it was time he talked it all out with him. He had finally made his decision: when the full moon was gone and they had both recovered from their transformation, he would go and talk to him.




Sending Euijoo a message to ask him to meet him, a couple of days after the full moon was over wasn't as scary as Yixiang had thought it would be. His fingers typed and erased the message several times, but in the end he found the right words and before backing out, he sent it. Euijoo's response was swift, agreeing to what he had asked and proposing that they meet that very afternoon, after his classes at the university were over. Yixiang had to go to his own school for a couple of hours in the morning, so after that he was free to go to Euijoo's campus without any problem and he let him know that. The time and place was quickly arranged and the last message Yixiang received from the other was a "I missed you" to which he didn’t know how to reply without blurting out in the message everything he had been keeping to himself, so he simply blocked his phone again and tried to go about his life as normally as possible, without thinking about what would happen that afternoon.


However, Yixiang couldn't stop thinking about his meeting with Euijoo and, in the end, the moment his last class was over, he ran towards the boy's campus, knowing that his legs would be faster than any public transport at that time of day. Yixiang barely had a couple of kilometres to go to reach the campus when his nose picked up a smell that made all the skin on his body crawl in disgust. His sense of smell, which developed much more during a few days after his transformation into a wolf, warned him that not far from there, there were a couple of vampires, giving off a nasty stench. They weren't far from there, which meant that not only had they been hanging around the city limits as Yudai had noticed, but they had also gone deep enough into the outskirts of the city, where the largest campus was located and where there could be plenty of victims at their mercy if they got out of control. For that reason, even though he had arranged to meet Euijoo, Yixiang decided to follow the scent of the vampires first so that he could chase them away before they caused any mayhem.


Running towards the place where the unpleasant smell was coming from, the boy realised that, masked among it, he had missed one more smell that he would have recognised at any time in his life: nuts. His heart stopped for an instant, his throat blocked and he stopped breathing, his legs stopped responding and his body became completely paralysed. It was only for a second, a second in which the boy's mind went into overdrive, a second in which Yixiang felt an immense panic in case something bad happened to Euijoo when facing those vampires. And the next second, Yixiang was running as fast as his legs would carry him, following Euijoo's smell of nuts with his nose.


A few minutes later, he arrived at a small open field not far from the university campus, a field where people used to play football, where there were some rickety and mouldy goal posts, and there, in that place, stood Euijoo together with two vampires, fighting them with his claws and teeth. Yixiang ran up to him, feeling the fury take over him completely, pulling out his claws and letting his wolf take control of his entire body as a guttural, bestial growl erupted from his throat, causing the three people in the open field to stop suddenly and turn towards him. Euijoo's eyes glazed over and a huge grin appeared on his round face at the sight of him, but the vampires didn't seem so delighted to see him there and, after exchanging a glance, they ran off the other way, quickly scrambling up the side of a hill and losing themselves in the forest that was part of a huge park on the outskirts. For a moment, the wolf part of him wanted to press him to follow them, to hunt them down and remind them why they should never go into that city again, but then he saw Euijoo, saw the scratches on his face and arms, and all he could do was put his claws away and run to him, pulling him tightly against him in an embrace as needy as it was desperate, breathing in his nutty scent and under it, finding his primal scent of damp wood.


“Are you all right? “he asked him, his voice thick with fear.

“Yes... yes... I'm fine," Euijoo whispered. “Thank you for coming... I don't know what I would have done... without you.”


Yixiang pulled him away from his body to observe him thoroughly. There were a couple of scratches on his face that didn't look deep or infected and, on first inspection, he didn't seem to have any bites either, so Yixiang did the only thing he could do at that moment: he approached Euijoo's face and began to slowly lick the boy's cheek, where he had one of his wounds, trying to encourage rapid healing that way. Euijoo shivered in his arms at this and clung tightly to Yixiang's shirt for a few moments before trying to push him away, but Yixiang didn't let him move away from him and continued to lick his face carefully and with infinite affection.


“We... we... can't...” Euijoo muttered, almost gasped.

“Damp wood," was all Yixiang said... and that was all it took for Euijoo to let him go on.




Light gasps, whispered moans were all that could be heard in that room. Yixiang was licking and kissing Euijoo's neck, sometimes biting lightly, leaving marks, and the boy was shuddering in his arms, his head falling back, moaning softly, while trying not to lose focus on his task, moving his hand over both his limbs, next to Yixiang's, who was feeling in heaven, noticing how his whole body was vibrating from Euijoo's moans, how his skin was prickling with pure pleasure from his hand working wonders against his hard, bursting member. It was something he couldn't even qualify, because Yixiang had no previous experience, but how incredible it all felt, how their scents mingled and how they filled the air of his room with a curiously pleasant smell, coupled with that of his sweat and arousal, was too much for him.


Yixiang had never expected that licking Euijoo's wounds would eventually lead to them touching each other like there was no tomorrow, it wasn't the first time he had licked someone's wounds, but the electricity that coursed through his body when Euijoo moved him a little away and stopped his tongue over his cheek to kissed him on the mouth, joining his tongue with his until they were breathless, in the middle of the open field, it had ended that way, Euijoo naked on his bed, on his legs, rubbing his member against his and moaning his name... because apparently he had also smelled Yixiang's primal scent on the previous moon and it had driven them mad, almost mad, to go down on each other. And Yixiang wouldn't want to be any other way, with Euijoo in his arms, touching and kissing his whole body.


The first to cum was Yixiang, having the best orgasm of his life, staining their stomachs helplessly, sinking his teeth into Euijoo's neck and biting so hard to silence his moans that he drew blood. The boy didn't seem to mind in the slightest, too focused on achieving his own pleasure, moving his hand frantically over his member until he finally ended up having his orgasm too, all of him shuddering against Yixiang, who still hadn't finished catching his breath. They both stayed like that for a few moments where nothing could be heard but the sound of their breaths, trying to match each other and Yixiang closed his eyes, trying to think a little because what had happened in the last hour of his life had been pretty intense. He couldn't believe he was holding Euijoo, his best friend, the one he had been avoiding for a month because he was afraid of what his reaction would be when he told him he could smell his primal essence. His chances obviously hadn't included the boy responding with the scent of his own primal essence and kissing his mouth like he had done it, but Yixiang was more than happy with that result.


Maybe they needed to talk about it a lot more, because they literally hadn't said a word to each other about it, they'd just kissed and licked each other until their clothes had started to fall off and it had all gotten out of hand, but Yixiang wouldn't mind if the conversation was put aside for a few more moments, because the only thing that his whole being, even his wolf, was asking him, was to be like that with Euijoo in his arms, touching him and letting the boy touch him, for hours and hours until dawn came... and that's what they actually did until they were completely exhausted and they fell on the mattress, without letting go of each other's bodies.

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