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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta OnlyOneOf. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2024

[One Shot] Guilty Pleasure [English ver.] {LoveMillNine}

Title: Guilty Pleasure [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: LoveMillNine (Love + Mill + Nine) (OnlyOneOf)

Clasification: NC–17

Genres: AU, romance, drama, humour, smut, pwp

Word count: 8.3k

Summary: Yongsoo has sworn and sworn one too many times that he'll never change his mind... but one day he ends up succumbing to guilty pleasure.

Warnings: explicit sex in a threesome (and some voyeurism).

Notes: this story is related to fragile, you can read it for a better understanding of what happens here, but you can also understand it without reading it.

Author's comment: my intention was just to make fragile... but after having hinted relationships between the other characters in the story, I couldn't help writing this. I hope you like it.

Yongsoo took a deep breath and then slowly let the air out of his lungs, trying to calm himself. He was already there, he couldn't back out now, the only thing left to do was to knock on the door with his knuckles and wait for the person he had gone to look for to open the door and invite him in. He still doubted that this was a good idea because he knew the other guy would laugh at him for the rest of eternity, but he was also quite fed up with their teasing of his virginity and wanted it to stop. That's why he stood there, in front of Wookjin's bedroom door. Yongsoo took another deep breath and raised his right arm to knock, but just as his fist was about to make contact with the door, it opened and Wookjin appeared in his field of vision.


"Man, Yongsoo, what are you doing here?" he asked when he saw him, with a sly smile.

"I came to see you," he said, not specifying what for because it looked like the other was about to leave. "But if you have to go, don't worry."

"Don’t worry, I have time," his friend replied. "I'm meeting Jisung, but he's always late, so it's good for me."

"Mmmmm... okay..."


martes, 19 de marzo de 2024

[One Shot] fragile [English ver.] {KyuJung}

Title: fragile [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: KyuJung (KB + Yoojung) (OnlyOneOf)

Clasification: NC17

Genres: AU, romance, drama, smut, pwp

Word count: 5.9k

Summary: Kyubin thinks Taeyeob is fragile and delicate like a beautiful piece of antique porcelain... but Taeyeob is anything but fragile.

Warnings: explicit sexual content.

Notes: this story is a translation, I really tried my best to translate it, but I know there’ll be mistakes over all the text. If you want to read it in its original language (Spanish), you can do it here.

Author's comment: I’ve been translating some of my firsts OnlyOneOf works and this one is my fav from that time. I’ll be also translating the rest of the series I made of this universe. I hope you like it.


"So, Kyubin hyung, have you slept with your boyfriend yet?" Wookjin asked, causing chaos at the table.


Yongsoo, who was quietly drinking a chocolate milkshake, spurted its contents onto the table upon hearing him, almost choking, which made Wookjin laugh at the boy like there was no tomorrow, while Jisung widened his eyes and then slapped the boy on the shoulder to make him behave. Kyubin watched this scene from a trashy, bad humour movie impassively, though inside he was quite nervous, trying to find the exact words with which to answer that question truthfully, but without earning years of ridicule for it. As the situation normalised, with Yongsoo still coughing a little, but well enough to clear the table in that coffee shop/bookstore they'd gone to for the afternoon of the remains of their milkshake and Jisung giving Wookjin the beating of his life as he complained that the blows hurt, Kyubin came to the conclusion that no matter what he said, he was going to be mocked for all eternity, so he did his gut and waited for the boy to ask him again, because knowing him, he knew he was going to ask him again.


sábado, 2 de marzo de 2024

[One Shot] Addicted [English ver.] {KyuJung}

Title: Addicted [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: KyuJung (KB + Yoojung) (OnlyOneOf)

Rating: NC17

Genres: AU, romance, smut, pwp

Word count: 6.4k

Summary: Taeyeob didn't expect much from that night, just to have some fun drinking and dancing... but in the end, it ended up being the best night of his life.

Warnings: explicit sexual content.

Notes: this story is related to Colors of the Season, although it can be read separately.

Author's comment: the idea was born from a mini-conversation in the mentioned fanfic where Yoojung said that he had hooked up with a guy and it was the best night of his life. I hope you like it.



Taeyeob already had a couple of drinks on him when he decided to move away from the couches he had been sitting on with his college friends so far to get into the middle of the dance floor. What he liked most about going out partying and getting into a pub or a disco, was being able to drink a little to uninhibit himself and dance without any shame, although normally he wasn't too embarrassed to do anything, with alcohol coursing through his veins he felt much more capable of giving it his all on the dance floor, not caring in the least about anything. He made his way through the dancing bodies until he reached the very center of the dance floor and once there, he began to move to the rhythm of the music, which was booming in his ears, loud, making it echo in his head because the speakers were so much closer. He didn't pay attention to anything or anyone, he just moved as the music asked him to, not really expecting anything from that night other than to have fun for a while drinking and dancing, de-stressing from the university, forgetting for a few moments about all the work he had to do and hand in for the next few weeks. Taeyeob let himself be carried away by the music, let it envelop him completely and abstracted himself from reality, focusing only on moving his body.


sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

[One Shot] Colors of the Season [English ver.] {JunRie}

Title: Colors of the Season [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: JunRie (Rie + JunJi) (OnlyOneOf)

Rating: R

Genres: AU, cat cafes, romance, fluff, humour, light drama, smut

Word count: 11.6k

Summary: Sungho likes cats. Junhyung is like a cat, therefore, Sungho likes Junhyung. (Or alternatively, Junhyung works at a cat cafe, Sungho falls in love with him at first sight and can't stop himself from going to see him).

Warnings: not particularly explicit sexual intercourse.

Notes: story inspired purely and simply because both Rie and Junji like cats and Junji sometimes behaves like one.

Author's comment: this was one of the first ideas I had back in early 2020 when I decided to start writing about OOO and I was really looking forward to translate it. I hope you like it.



1. Autumn


Sungho had sat down on one of the park benches where he'd arranged to meet Yongsoo, tired of standing and waiting. Yongsoo was late, as usual, and Sungho didn't really blame him, the boy's internal clock was completely different from everyone else's and everything he did, he did it at turtle speed. That's why he had taken the tactic of telling him an hour before he was actually going to go, so that when he arrived at the place where they had arranged to meet, he wouldn't have to wait too long. That day, however, it seemed that YongSoo was going to take a lot longer than he was used to, so he had decided to sit and wait and watch the scenery around him for a few moments. Autumn had already arrived in the park, even though the season had only just begun. The leaves of most of the trees had already turned ochre and red and many of them were already on the ground. It was a beautiful sight, even though autumn wasn't really his favourite season of the year, he couldn't deny that the view was beautiful. Sungho took out his phone to take a picture of what was in front of him and save it for later, and just as he tapped his screen to capture it, a notification from Yongsoo popped up, so he opened it.


sábado, 27 de enero de 2024

[One Shot] Day by day {KyuJung}

Título: Day by day

Autora: Riz Aino

Pareja: KyuJung (KB + Yoojung) (OnlyOneOf)

Clasificación: PG–13

Géneros: AU, romance, established relationship, fluff

Número de palabras: 3.627 palabras

Resumen: a veces, Taeyeob desea que la mañana tenga muchas más horas para poder pasar un rato más con Kyubin antes de ir al trabajo.

Notas: historia inspirada por este vídeo en el que Kyubin anuda la corbata de Yoojung.

Comentario de autora: tengo (1) un serio problema con estos dos siendo domésticos y tenía que salir por algún lado. Espero que os guste.



Taeyeob abrió los ojos ante el insistente ruido de la alarma de su móvil que no paraba de sonar y se removió todo lo que pudo en la cama para sacar uno de sus brazos de las sábanas, tanteando a ciegas la mesita de noche con la mano hasta que dio por fin con su teléfono. Taeyeob lo cogió y rápidamente lo llevó hasta su campo de visión para apagar la maldita alarma, suspirando profundamente en el momento en el que la habitación volvió a quedarse en silencio. Eran las seis de la mañana y realmente no tenía ganas de levantarse de la cama, donde estaba calentito, para salir al frío de la calle... pero era lunes y tenía que estar en la oficina a las ocho, así que, no era algo que se pudiera permitir. Taeyeob cerró sus ojos durante unos segundos, suspirando de nuevo y bostezando, antes de coger las energías suficientes para poder levantarse; sin embargo, tenía un gran problema, un gigante de hecho, que lo mantenía aprisionado en el lugar, un problema con el que debía de tratar si lo que quería era levantarse de la cama para hacer su vida en el exterior. No es que le apeteciera mucho hacer esa vida, pero si no iba a la oficina lo echarían y el único dinero que entraba fijo en aquella casa era el que él aportaba.


martes, 23 de enero de 2024

[One Shot] Day by day [English ver.] {KyuJung}

Title: Day by day [English ver.]

Author: Riz Aino

Pairing: KyuJung (KB + Yoojung) (OnlyOneOf)

Rated: PG13

Genres: AU, romance, established relationship, fluff

Word count: 3.5k

Summary: Sometimes, Taeyeob wishes the morning had many more hours so he could spend some more time with Kyubin before going to work.

Notes: story inspired by this video of Kyubin knotting Yoojung's tie.

Author's comment: I have (1) one serious problem with these two being domestic and it had to come out somewhere. I hope you like it.


Taeyeob opened his eyes to the insistent sound of his phone alarm going off and shifted as much as he could in bed to pull one of his arms out of the covers, groping blindly at the bedside table with his hand until he finally came across his phone. Taeyeob picked it up and quickly brought it into his field of vision to turn off the damn alarm, sighing deeply the moment the room fell silent again. It was six in the morning and he really didn't feel like getting out of bed, where he was warm, to go out into the cold of the street... but it was Monday and he had to be in the office by eight, so, it wasn't something he could afford. Taeyeob closed his eyes for a few seconds, sighing again and yawning, before gathering enough energy to be able to get up; however, he had a big problem, a giant one in fact, that kept him imprisoned in place, a problem he had to deal with if he wanted to get out of bed to make his life outside. Not that he really wanted that life, but if he didn't go to the office he would be fired, and the only monthly money coming into the house was the money he was bringing in.


miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

[Two Shot] You have a (choke)hold on me {KyuJung}

Part 1: Office


Listo susurró Kyubin a sus espaldas después de terminar el último nudo, las yemas de sus dedos recorriendo con suavidad su piel y el contorno de las cuerdas que tenía atadas alrededor de su cuerpo. Estás precioso la voz del mayor sonó como un jadeo, casi como un gemido grave contra su oreja, reverberando por todo su cuerpo y provocándole un escalofrío que Taeyeob no pudo controlar.

No estoy seguro de que sea agradable a la vista alguien atado como una ristra de chorizos replicó, girándose hacia Kyubin y tratando de sonar lo más impasible posible, a pesar de lo que la voz y los dedos del mayor habían provocado en su cuerpo, pero si tú lo dices.

Muy agradable a la vista contestó el mayor, esbozando una de sus sonrisas de lado, juguetona, pícara, diciendo con ella muchas más cosas de las que decía con sus palabras. Porque eres tú quien lo lleva Taeyeob quiso replicarle a aquello también, pero antes de que pudiera hacerlo, los labios de Kyubin atraparon los suyos durante unos segundos, dejándolo sin palabras. Ahora vístete, no podemos llegar tarde a la reunión.


[Ficha] You have a (choke)hold on me {KyuJung}

Título: You have a (choke)hold on me

Autora: Riz Aino

Pareja: KyuJung (KB + Yoojung) (OnlyOneOf)

Clasificación: NC–17

Géneros: AU, office, romance, smut, pwp, bdsm

Número de palabras: 9.612 palabras

Número de capítulos: two-shot

Resumen: a Kyubin y a Taeyeob les gusta experimentar y les gusta el riesgo, por eso, aquel día deciden arriesgarse a hacer algo que no habían hecho hasta el momento.

Advertencias: relaciones sexuales explícitas y bdsm.

Notas: historia escrita porque esta gente de OOO tiene demasiados kinks (y yo también tengo unos cuantos) y porque me venía al pelo para ir completando casillas del bingo como “orgasm control/denial”, “semi-public sex”, “breath play”, “mirrors”, “lap dance” y “free space: office!au”.

Comentario de autora: esta idea nació hace muchísimo tiempo, pero no me puse a escribirla hasta que las palabras “bondage” y “Yoojung” aparecieron juntas en el mundo real. Espero que os guste.

Lista de Capítulos:

Part 1

Part 2


miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

[One Shot] Sweet Desire {KyuJung}

Título: Sweet Desire

Autora: Riz Aino

Parejas: KyuJung (KB + Yoojung) (OnlyOneOf)

Clasificación: NC–17

Géneros: canon, romance, smut, pwp

Número de palabras: 2.390 palabras

Resumen: el deseo entre Kyubin y Taeyeob se puede desatar en cualquier instante y es tan fuerte que se tienen que dejar llevar por él.

Aclaraciones: relaciones sexuales explícitas.

Notas: historia inspirada en  esta parte de la letra de chrOme hearts.

Comentario de autora: solo voy a decir una cosa: ERA NECESARIO. Espero que os guste.


Taeyeob no dejaba de mirarlo. Kyubin podía sentir su mirada desde hacía ya un buen rato y comenzaba a sentir cosas que no debería de sentir en aquellos momentos. Estaban rodeados de personas, no solo con sus compañeros de grupo y el staff usual que los acompañaba a todas partes, no, estaban nada más y nada menos que en Japón, con staff diferente que los observaba a veces con curiosidad y otras con atención por si necesitaban algo, pero parecía que nada de aquello le importaba a Taeyeob, que no dejaba de mirarlo, sus ojos fijos en él, mientras se comía un dulce. Comer quizás era un verbo demasiado inocente para lo que estaba haciendo, porque Taeyeob parecía que estaba teniendo un inimaginable placer con él, desde la forma en la que lo mordía, deliberadamente manchando sus labios con nata a pesar de que la maquilladora los había avisado que tuvieran el máximo cuidado posible cuando comiesen, hasta la manera en la que lo saboreaba en su boca antes de tragarlo, no dejando de mirar fijamente a Kyubin mientras lo hacía. Aquello realmente era una estampa tan erótica que Kyubin no sabía dónde meterse. Desde el momento en el que había visto que Taeyeob iba a comenzar a comerse aquello, había tratado de no prestarle ninguna atención de forma deliberada, centrándose en su móvil y en absolutamente nada más, porque no era la primera vez que lo hacía y tenía claro de que no iba a ser la última, pero Taeyeob debía de haber visto cómo pretendía no mirarlo hasta que no acabase de comer y se había propuesto hacer que lo mirase, no quitándole los ojos de encima, provocando que Kyubin no pudiera dejar de alzar la mirada una y otra vez y mirar en su dirección, sintiendo su boca cada vez más seca y su miembro cada vez más duro y caliente dentro de sus pantalones.


Lee Taeyeob era un maldito calienta pollas.